The thing that I love most about being in England, though, is the laid back simplicity and practicality of their style. I think many things contribute to it; their proximity yet separation from the rest of Europe, their extensive and respectable history, and their value for things such as family and leisure. All of these things together make for a unique yet signature style for the English. Unfortunately I haven't had much of a chance to photograph individual examples because we've been busy preparing for Christmas - luckily I'm here for another week!
On a side note - I apologize for my lack of posts the past month but I was incredibly busy finishing up finals, preparing for my trips (next one's to Pittsburgh, PA!), and scouring the overwhelming NYC at Christmas-time shopping scene for gifts! Back to my point, below I've selected a handful of photos from my trip so far that I really feel embody the feeling of an English Christmas. Hope everyone's holidays are wonderful and filled with as much fun and happiness as mine have been so far!
Lime Avenue: my family's street
Christmas crackers - wouldn't be a complete Christmas without them!
delicious breakfast after presents from "Father Christmas"
the local pub. the entire neighborhood was squeezed in
here on Christmas day while all of their dinners were cooking!
rainbow suspenders... genius
my cousin James - he's 8 years old yet already oozes with personal style
mum. aunt liz. dad. uncle laurence. (+ booze)
an American in England!
more booze!
overflowing tree... like I said, large family!